Although I had a very busy quarter, I did my best to finish all assignments to the best of my ability. The final grade average I received for this course before the final project, and the self reflection was an 80%.
There is a small disparity between the grade I received and the grade I put I should deserve is 4 more percent. The only reason these grades are different is because I feel I completed almost every assignment and answered all of the assigned questions. On some of the assignments I did not do as …show more content…
Although there are no excuses, I feel I produced better work when I better Understood the material for the week. I could have done a better job proof reading, and also read my essays out loud to better fix mistakes. There were a few times during the quarter that I was unable to complete assignments to due a burn on my hand that restricted me from typing very well. I know this is an excuse, but it did reflect my work the couple of weeks I was injured.
I know a lot more about Chicano studies now than I used to. I really enjoyed learning about the Chicano Culture. Before this class I was very uneducated about the hispanic culture, and history. Living amongst many Chicanos in Yakima you always hear everyone's opinions about immigrants living in the United States. One of the biggest problems people have with CHicanos is them speaking spanish in …show more content…
On the week of the assignment Discussion 3, I burnt my hand pretty severely. This affected my ability to write my paper for that 2 weeks of healing. Although I still completed the assignments I was just wanting to inform the reason for such bad work. On the assignments discussion 3, and movie exercise 3 they were not completed to the best of my ability because of my injury. I am happy with the work I have completed for the quarter, and hope you enjoyed reading my essays as