Are you proud to be an American? American citizens have been blessed enough to live in a country that offers a broad spectrum of freedom and opportunity. Foreigners dream of the day they can step foot on American soil. People are going as far as illegally crossing the U.S. borders to experience life here in the states. It’s such a good opportunity, that many foreigners bring their families over as well. The United States offers a variety of things that foreign countries do not. The United States offers good health care, sanitary living, high paying jobs, and ultimately good welfare benefits. Leerkes explained how governments in prosperous countries are increasingly regulating and selectively restricting international …show more content…
is that they have put a damper on American jobs. On the flip side, some see the presence of the large amounts of the illegal immigrants as a positive thing. They pay $9 billion in taxes out the $75 billion collected annually off the social security W2 forms (Brown 423). These immigrants contribute just as much as legal American citizens do. For example they buy groceries, clothes, and other essential items all benefiting the economy in one way or the other. However everything is not picture perfect. These aliens are taking the spots of American citizen jobs, leaving a percentage of society unemployed and out of a perfectly good opportunity. In the construction industry, 20% of the employees are illegal immigrants, leisure hospitality has 17% undocumented workers, 13% in manufacturing, and 4% in agriculture (Brown 423). Companies hire undocumented citizens because the illegal immigrants are willing to work long hours in return for low wages. They end up costing American citizens $113 billion in taxes, $29 billion federally, and $84 billion at the state level, revealed Brown (423). “Studies found that the greatest costs to the federal government from illegal immigration was for Medicaid, medical treatment for uninsured aliens, food assistance programs and school lunches, federal prisons and court costs, and federal aid to schools”(Brown