Identity In Othello

Superior Essays
Shakespeare’s Othello is one of his most interesting and controversial plays that really gets at the heart of human nature and questions the concept of perception and people’s relationships with one another. In the play, Othello, a successful general in the Venetian military, is led into jealousy and violence towards his wife from the lies of “honest” Iago. Various scholars of the play have attempted to explain Othello’s character and how such a high-status, noble man could have so easily descended into a simple vengeous murderer. Many theorize that behind Othello’s fragile facade of pride and nobility is a deep-rooted insecurity and naivety that leads him to be suspicious, and later, violent. Othello’s wavering sense of personal identity and …show more content…
Throughout his whole life, Othello has had to deal with racism and stereotyping to the point where he has internalized the negative perceptions of his blackness. Karen Newman, an English professor at Brown University, describes how Iago’s deception of Othello was was rooted in Othello’s own prejudices against his racial identity (133). Iago put words to Othello’s deepest insecurities about his interracial marriage, including the belief that the“fair” Desdemona would prefer a white man, and Othello is convinced that “Haply for I am black/ And have not those soft parts of conversation/ That chamberers have.../ I am abused, and my relief/ Must be to loathe her” (Shakespeare 3.3.260-265). Othello’s projected facade of “honorary white”, as University of Pennsylvania professor Ania Loomba labeled him, is starting to disintegrate; he starts to believe that he possesses the unrefined black stereotype instead. Loomba describes Othello as “hopelessly split” between displaying his cultural assimilation and finding his true identity (177). This dichotomy dramatically alienates Othello and increases his uncertainty in the nature of his own

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