For instance, simply because Kanye West is conceited it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have any redeeming qualities. Mr. West is an extremely hard worker. He was raised in a lower middle class household in Chicago and began pursuing his passion of rapping in the 3rd grade. Later, he dropped out of college and even though multiple record labels rejected him, he continued to pursue a career in music. Finally, in 2004 he released his first album, appropriately titled “The College Dropout.” Kanye West is a true icon of this generation, seeing as he began as a young boy with a dream and the odds stacked against him and is now a rapper, songwriter, director, record producer, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. Likewise, Othello is also aware that ever since he was born he’s had to overcome obstacles that were brought about due to unfair circumstances. The play is set in 15th century Venice, which was ruled by intense social classes that you were born into. Moving up in social class was practically unheard of. Seeing as Othello is a black man, he was immediately lower in social standing than the majority of Venetians. In spite of these unfair factors, Othello worked his way up the rankings in the army, gaining the respect of noblemen, soldiers and average citizens alike. Even as one of the most respected and recognized Generals he continued to dedicate his life to …show more content…
Othello and Mr. West are two trees grown from the same seed. A seed that presented them with dauntlessness and an intense thirst for success. A seed that developed into a strong, sturdy Oak in a forest of Poplars that refused to be taken down by vicious winds or stormy skies. It is their oversized ego’s that will come down on them like an axe slowly slicing through them that will be their downfall. Although there are glaring differences between 15th century Venice and modernized western culture, there is one common factor: a tragic figure that you can’t help but root for. Perhaps no matter the time or place, there always will