Icon, a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of admiration. Idol, a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or cherish.
Icons and Idols has been a huge influence on art during different periods of time. Two specific art periods that have produced artworks that Utilize the theme of icons and idols; are Ancient Greece and India. In these cultures, new techniques and skills were developed and many are still used today. These art periods were tremendously progressive in the creative times, and they both shared the theme of icons and idols.
Indian art is very intriguing. The artworks created during this time period are very much dedicated to famous idols from that time period, mostly people …show more content…
These Gods are very important to those of the Hinduism religion. There are many different types of Indian art, but the artworks of the three deities are very popular and reflect the idea of idols and icons.
Ancient Greek art also revolves around the theme of ‘Icons and Idols’. During the Ancient Greek time period, there were many rulers of different areas in Greece and many wars happened. Throughout this period, everyone that was seen as important, were recreated as sculptures and important pieces of artworks.
The Greek’s used many forms of art, mainly for the sole purpose of idolising important people (Kings and Gods mostly). The most popular form of art form used in that day and age was sculptures, and this is the most common way that idolised people and gods were shown. Such as Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great, was a king of Greece during 356-323 B.C. He was ‘Great’ as he was known for his military genius and conquered most of the known world. As he was such a well-known king, people began to ‘worship’ him. He became an idol to the everyday people of Greece and many sculptures were created of …show more content…
Mainly different types of Gods that are important for that culture. Ancient Greek art is a lot of sculptures and household items. Indian art is usually sculptures in temples and places of worship. Paintings and feature certain things that represent the Indian religion. There are many differences with the two cultures. For example, Indian art uses a lot more painting and bright colours to represent the Three Deities. There is also a lot of sculptures but either really small ones to be placed in the house or really large sculptures usually carved into or near a place of worship. Ancient Greek art has a lot to do with who was the ruler of Greece during certain periods. A lot of the art that has been created during Ancient Greek times is sculptures of important people and gods. Although Indian art is a lot of sculptures, they are both very different as Ancient Greek sculptures were places around the city of Green itself whereas Indian sculptures of gods where located in or near places of worship. Ancient Greek paintings compared to Indian art were usually painted on household items such as jugs and pots, whereas Indian artworks are usually to be hung or placed on the wall and do not have any use. There is a few similarities between the two different cultures art, sculptures in both periods were very common and were usually created to idolise someone or