While both sculptures were done in marble the Knidos was done in 350 BCE and the Melos in the Hellenistic period between 150-100 BCE. The later was intended to recall this piece while presenting itself in a manner appropriate for the period. The main differences in the statues had to do with how they carried themselves. In the earlier version, Aphrodite was shown fully nude in a forward facing position of modesty, whereas in the second version she was shown in a twisting stance with drapery seeming to fall off of her. This type of dramatic art was very common in this period. Instead of being fully nude, the drapes seem to be barely covering her and almost falling off adding an element of “erotic tension” (Stokstad 123). Along with this the body language is much less submissive, and the gaze of the piece seems to be less embraced and almost
While both sculptures were done in marble the Knidos was done in 350 BCE and the Melos in the Hellenistic period between 150-100 BCE. The later was intended to recall this piece while presenting itself in a manner appropriate for the period. The main differences in the statues had to do with how they carried themselves. In the earlier version, Aphrodite was shown fully nude in a forward facing position of modesty, whereas in the second version she was shown in a twisting stance with drapery seeming to fall off of her. This type of dramatic art was very common in this period. Instead of being fully nude, the drapes seem to be barely covering her and almost falling off adding an element of “erotic tension” (Stokstad 123). Along with this the body language is much less submissive, and the gaze of the piece seems to be less embraced and almost