Iago's Manipulation Of Perception In Othello Essay

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The tragedy of Othello was highly influenced by Iago’s manipulation of perception. This was illustrated, when Iago exploited Rodrigo’s unrealistic and self-serving love for Desdemona. Also, including when Iago willfully misled Cassio’s judgement by utilizing his fixation with class. And notably demonstrated, with Iago as he precisely disoriented Othello’s reassurance in his wife, Desdemona’s faithfulness. Othello was fused to the idea of an uncertain reality that was deliberately deceived by Iago. Rodrigo was a long-time suitor of Desdemona that desperately wanted to woo her love and affection, which consequently prompted him to seek the help in what appeared to be his noble friend, Iago. This was evident, when Iago persuaded Rodrigo to provoke …show more content…
Othello’s honourable and honest-nature, integrated with his insecurity of being an outsider, racially and culturally, found him to being easily preyed upon for Iago’s ploy. As previously mentioned several times, Iago portrayed himself as an honest and loyal friend, which he employed against Othello, stating, “The Moor is of a free and open nature,/ That thinks men honest that but seem to be so,/And will tenderly be led by the nose/ As asses are” (1.3.390-393).Just as Othello was so easily deceived because of his open nature, Iago used Othello’s racial insecurity, to enhance his plot of twisting his love for his wife, Desdemona. In other words, Iago used the same tactic Brabantio, Desdemona’s father used when he found out about the secret marriage, as Iago comments, “She did deceive her father, marrying you;/ And what she seem’d to shake and fear your looks/ She lov’d them most” (3.3.208-210). Moreover, despite what it appeared to be, Iago fooled Othello, using his racial insecurity in order to question for him to question his wife’s faithfulness, when in reality, Desdemona would never be unfaithful. In the long run, Iago took Othello’s love for Desdemona, and crumpled it into heavily-built jealousy, burned by Othello’s vulnerable …show more content…
This was shown especially, when Rodrigo’s fantasy of being with Desdemona was exploited, which took advantage of love. Including when, Cassio lost his position, thus, tarnishing his reputation, which benefited Iago using status. And particularly when Othello’s insecurities with his race, decayed his love for Desdemona, benefiting from jealousy. Each of the characters, were pried on their specific type of vulnerability: love, status, and jealousy that blurred the lines between appearance and their reality. The misfortunes of Othello, corresponded to the idea of a doubtful reality, as many of the characters were clouded by misinterpretations of what they were seeing. Iago deceived each character’s perception by pinpointing their weakness of desire, prominence, and

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