I Hate In Fahrenheit 451

Improved Essays
I hate reading, and I hate writing. It takes me hours to start papers. It took me eight hours just to think about the topic I will write this focus paper on. Then it hit me. We all love to do certain things, and we all hate to do other things. I hate to read and write, but I to listen to music. A lady in Fahrenheit 451 burns herself alive, just so she can be with her books. She loved her books so much that she died for with them. If we love someone or something so much, we all should be willing to die for them. Liking and loving are not the same. When someone says they like something, that means they would rather do that or would rather have that. If you love something you will fight for it, and if you already have it, you would protect it with your life. If someone said, “I love pizza.” Do you think they would lay their life …show more content…
However, books are not people, they are things. Remember the pizza example I used earlier? Imagine if the government banned pizza? Would you die for pizza? Most likely not, plus there is a shit ton more food options… You are more likely to sacrifice yourself if the situation dealt with lives of many people. For example, say aliens came down from space, they start to attack us and steal our water. Obviously, we all love water because it keeps us alive. So, many of us would sacrifice our lives if it meant keeping the entire human race alive. Something I would die for is music. I cannot imagine a life where we could not listen to Jon Bellion. When it comes to entertainment, some people would die so others can enjoy it. I would die for music, and the lady died for books. If someone told the guy who loves pizza that the government was banning it, I am sure he sacrifices himself to let us enjoy pizza. Major decisions we make are based on love. Eating pizza will probably not be a major decision for the most of the us…, but dying for someone or something you love

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