Hello Prof. Budzinski, Thank you for the positive feedback! It means a lot to me, to be recognized for my efforts. I truly put in a lot of time into my post, which often includes supporting information and encouragement. In the addition to incorporating my personal life experiences. I do this to illustrate that one can overcome barriers and succeed to obtain any set goal set despite, unfortunate events in life. Here is a photo and a summary of what I absorb from this class along with something about myself. I have sincerely, enjoyed Human Services Program and Profession class. I was able to obtain valuable information regarding moral development, competencies within myself along with, a great deal of knowledge of the many fields are offered in the human services field. Resulting in a bit of confusion in exactly the field, I would like to pursue. …show more content…
Importantly, I was able to take what I gathered in this class and apply skills with a professional approach to my youth group with data taken for each unit we covered. I have enjoyed each one of my classmates post with the addition of the reply’s I received throughout the course. In light of myself, I once traveled a rocky past, but I was able to overcome my troubles. I have come to realize, time is never wasted. Whatever, circumstances one might encounter, it was meant to happen in order for one to be where they needed to be. Life does not come with a how to do handbook.
I wish to leave upon you all these few words: “The moment you believe in yourself all things will come to pass due to the fact you have learned to love yourself.” When you do good, good things will follow, when you do bad things expect bad things will follow. Always do the right thing when no one is looking!
It has been a