Poor Diet-Related Diseases

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When considering the time scale of the human species, the western diet of red meat, dairy, fats and oils, and refined sugars lands relatively close to current days. The general trend of calorie consumption per person, deaths due to poor diet, and diet related diseases are highest among the most developed countries. However, despite these clear consequences of poor diet, many people live in a blissful ignorance about what they are putting in their body and how it affects them. Should your health be one of your top priority?

The most influential reason for the decrease in family sizes can be attributed to education on family planning. People found out about contraception, they started to use it and family sizes dropped. This is why there’s
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But what you maybe didn’t know was that Britain’s third favourite meal, if consumed more than two times a week, can lead down a road to a lifetime of health diseases such a heart failure and cancer (dailymail.co.uk). One disease taking the western world by storm is diabetes. This is typically developed through the repetitive overconsumption of sugary food like fizzy drinks, processed foods, sweets, biscuits, pastries and ice cream. A report from the American Diabetes Association’s shows a 23% rise in rates of type 1 diabetes and a 21% rise in type 2 diabetes rates from 2001 to 2009. This is clear evidence that people don’t know the health consequences of what they eat. But perhaps they don’t care, as it is very difficult to get a person to change something that has become a cultural norm. In Japan, where the diet is primarily plant based with the addiction of raw meat, they boast a high life expectancy of 84.46 years. Although this can be attributed to a combination of reasons, comparisons between diets low with low saturated fats, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (like Japan), and the typical diet of someone living in the developed world show that in the former has a 73% reduced risk of developing heart problems (http://www.world-heart-federation.org). The argument here isn’t that these foods should be eliminated, only monitored, consumed sparingly and swapped for healthier alternatives to help reduce the chances of an early death. If you can afford it, then why wouldn’t you want your children to live the healthiest life they

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