Poor Diet: Positive And Negative Effects On Lifestyles

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“ Today , over 60 % of adults in the United States are Overweight or Obese. Poor diet is killing more Americans than smoking , With the poor diet from Americans eating unhealthy and there putting their bodies at risk because of the food that consume in their own bodies. With the poor diet and not enough exercise Americans are being put at risk of death because of the food that they are eating and poorly or non exercise at all. Facts have been proved that their have been more deaths by poor diet than lighting up to smoke a cigarette now a days. Based on stats from 2010, nearly 680,000 people die from their dietary habits, versus just over 465,000 from smoking(Mat McDermott). Now, it doesn’t mean thats the only thing causing deaths it could be from smoking like heart disease, lung cancer, or even a car accident, through everything it could cause a positive or negative effect on people’s lifestyles . Many things kill Americans each year say for instance lack of physical activity or high blood pressure will also kill among Americans each year and it also can cause a negative effect on lifestyles. By comparison, alcohol and drug use kill about 88,600 and 25,400 Americans each of lack of bad exercise or lack of very poor diet . Poor diet can lead to obesity , which when you obese you 're more highly than likely to not exercise at all because when you 're obese its hard to do physical activities and such things like that. Americans are obese every year and lack of diets and physical can than among come high blood pressure and heart attacks, Which one negative fact of bad diets is eating at fast food everyday such as Mcdonalds, Jack In The box, or even Burger King. When people consume these poor diets over time and over time they become more and more obese because of the lack of physical diet and exercise. Black women are the worst-affected group, with 27 percent of black women aged 40-85 at risk of dying from obesity or being overweight. In white women, 21 percent are at risk. There are twice as many obese black women as there are white (Mat McDermott). With being obese , smoking and lack of exercise is highly putting yourself at risk of having a heart attack or even lung cancer and also death of being obese and putting all that pressure on your heart . 73.1 percent of non-Hispanic white men and 60.2 percent of non-Hispanic women are overweight or obese, with 68.7 percent of non-Hispanic blacks having a BMI higher than 25, and 79.9 percent of non-Hispanic women crossing that same unhealthy threshold (Mat McDermott). Obesity of boys is higher than girls by 3 % among with all ethnicities in United States. With the battle with Obesity in America soda is the same problem in America today because of all the calories and soda they 're putting in their bodies every day and with not exercising. With Americas drinking soda , Did you know that soda dissolves your teeth ? and drinking dark colored soda stains your teeth . A can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar; a 20 ounce bottle of Mountain Dew has 77 grams(Derek Mead). With the teenagers these days there consuming a quart of soda each day and also drinking soda can cause cancer. When the obesity epidemic is the biggest health problem facing our aging nation, people will always have there way in obesity and always will do what they wanna do because we as humans can’t control what other humans put in our body these days, and also what they consume into cancers, defective problems and body problems with being obese from fast foods and eating out. They predicted 42% of the country with be obese by 2030(Derek Mead). With people being obese causes more weight and more weight/bad weight is very bad putting all that weight onto your heart because of your poor diet habits cause heart attack or death because of lack of exercise, and also all that pressure onto your heart. U.S. hospitals are ripping out wall-mounted toilets and replacing them with floor models to better …show more content…

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