Lighting techniques utilized in 10 Cloverfield Lane In the movie 10 Cloverfield Lane directed by Dan Trachtenberg, the usage of different lighting techniques helped make the movie extremely intriguing. The way the director utilized Available light, Low key lighting, and Hard light made such an impacted on certain scenes were brilliant. The movie had some great parts and others not so much, but the main focus of this essay is to discuss the scenes were certain lighting helped to persuade the audiences’ feelings in particular ways that the director envisioned for his movie.…
Film Noir includes dark, suspense-filled and thrilling mysteries. They are usually ambiguous, pessimistic and emphasize the isolated feel of the modern cities. The usage of low-key lighting and dark colors to create high contrast on screen is very common. Low-angle shots and Dutch camera angles, which are shot with tilted camera angles, are used to portray tension. Instead of showing a person directly, they commonly used disorientation and showed people reflected in a mirror.…
For example, the cinematographers use backlighting for the beginning of the movie to show the shadow of a man on crutches. This man disappears into darkness, which fades into other short scenes that give indications about the subject matter, the setting, what the possible events of the film will entail, and the mental state of the characters. The film noir-style lighting in Double Indemnity helps the audience to imply main details about the plot and…
In the production of Arcadia, the lighting design people used a spotlight in order to convey that an important plot point or a discovery was introduced/made by one of the characters. Great examples of this are when Hannah and Valentine discover Thomasina’s formula or when Bernard is giving his lecture and makes a statement that is a clue to a plot point. The spotlight shines on them making them the most important character or characters on stage at the moment. Another example of how they use lighting design to tell the story is the use of the lighting color when the mood changes. When someone is angry the lights turn red, and when they are sad the lights are a blueish color.…
So with him using those techniques it allows the audience to see and feel his style. Tim Burton uses lighting to create the mood of a scene. As seen in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” right before Wonka opened the door to the candy room the scene had low key lighting. By Tim using low key lighting at that time it created suspense, the once he opened the door to the candy room the scene, then changed to high key lighting which changed the whole mood. Tim also used lighting in “Edward Scissorhands”.…
This technique of using one strong light source, was also mimicked in other film noir scenes in the movie. In addition to this, film noir scenes like…
In the epic poem, Beowulf, the recurring image of darkness is often used as a portrayal of death and the unknown. The author also uses the same image to depict evil and sin and its relationship to Christianity. The underlying elements of Christianity within Beowulf can be attributed to the recent conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity. Through the persisting application of darkness, Beowulf addresses the presence of sin and the fundamental Christian beliefs in a savior and the redemption from sin. Throughout the poem, the pervasive use of sinister monsters lurking in darkness portrays the immoral acts of sin and evil.…
Within the first five minuets, the audience can see how important the lighting is going to be throughout the movie. In the movie, the director focuses on lighting to portray the mood to the audience. The lighting would appear dim when times were bad, and brighter when good things were happening. For example, when Andy first arrives to the prison it is a very dim day, no sun was visible. As he gets off the bus he appears timid, Red says, “a stiff breeze could blow him over.”…
Lighting can be used to show the difference between real life and fantasy, to exaggerate and show the importance of a place etc. An example of when Tim Burton uses lighting is in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when the lighting goes from dark and gloomy in the hallway to bright when they enter the candy room. The bright lighting i the candy room makes it look very extravagant, the room also has a joyous and cheerful feeling due to the bright lighting. Another example of how Tim Burton uses lighting is in the movie Big Fish, the real world is dull while the story world id bright. The story world is brighter because that is how he would like his life to be interesting and full of excitement, but instead it is dull and boring.…
The lighting style used in the movie Raging Bull was a special techniques by the director. It was filmed lighting was in black and white, that played important part that placed perfectly on each scene. While Jake was fighting scene the lighting with high key to stress on the boxers, also the high key lighting provide a beautiful elegant look and some scene. Low key lighting was used to give a look as if brutal low-spirited atmosphere, like when Jake life started to spiral out of control, went to prison and in his cell. How this technique contributes to theme because, Jake LaMotta, was a real boxer and the movie is about his life as a up and coming middle weight champion.…
The lighting was effective in setting the mood of the plot at its different stages and also in pointing out what needed to be seen and what not. Something that was really interesting to see was how lights were used to light up the stage in different colors such as the red and blue during the time the actors were in the labyrinth giving it a scary feeling and making the whole experience much enjoyable as the actors feared for their lives in the “darkness” of the labyrinth. The lighting helped the directing in a way that the setting could represent the light of day as when the whole stage was flooded with light so all the acting was visible and then as well when it was completely dimed out and only spotlights were used to follow the characters as they moved through the night. Then again, it was all well executed and done so in a great way to show what the director wanted out of the acting and enjoyed by the…
Burton’s Techniques Although he worked with Disney, did you know that Tim Burton wasn’t allowed to release some of his films with Disney because they were ‘too scary’? Tim Burton has been spooking audiences of all ages for 30 years with his films created from childhood drawings. One can infer that Burton is able to create a twisted outlook on characters in his films by using low key lighting contrasting high key lighting, non diegetic sound, and high/low angles. To begin, Tim Burton tinkers with lighting to create feelings of fear and suspense within the audience and a cheerful, happy scene. One way that Burton does this is when he uses low key lighting,…
For example, in Edward Scissorhands, Peg enters the castle to see low key lighting giving the viewer a creepy and horrifying image. There were shadows and dark figures throughout the castle establishing an eerie and yet spooky surrounding. Victor, from Corpse Bride, lets go of the butterfly he was drawing the viewer follows the butterfly throughout the city, showing us the low key lighting in the alleys, giving us an apprehensious mood. In Charlie and Chocolate Factory, Charlie, Mike, Augustus, Violet, and Veruca walk up to the chocolate factory, the door and entrance was low key lit to give the viewer anxiety not knowing what’s on the other side. Unlike the low key lighting showcased in these films, the high key lighting gives a much more comforting experience.…
This book was then directed into a movie by Phillip Noyce. I think the Director’s use of lighting, framing, music, and angles to help make the movie more immersive. The director uses techniques like lighting, angles, to improve Scene one and make it more intense/exciting. In this scene the Director uses lighting to help us set the mood for it.…
When the light and shadow work together, a strong and impressive image shows up. The interplay between light and shadow increases overall vividness. Without interplay of light and shadow, the front of your building would look flat if lit only by a single layer of bright light. When it comes to professional facade lighting, then it becomes a key component of the external appearance of hotels and restaurants. The lights highlight special features of the architecture without impairing them.…