The story Of Mice and Men revolves around the life events of the two main characters, George and Lennie. These two characters symbolize the different people and emotions there are in this world. George is stubborn and a realist, he has a strong sense of justice and …show more content…
Necessary measures need to be taken. Capital punishment is the execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense (Hood). Since the beginning of human civilization, punishments have kept control and thus making a stable society. However, capital punishment is the greatest punishment known to man and can only be used in extreme measures regarding an absolute crime such a murder, rape, and in some cultures, breaking sacred laws. With changing times comes changing people and their ways of judgment. Humanity has become less accepting to the punishment, however, over 55% of Americans favor the death penalty. Percentages have dropped by about 23% since 1996; some countries are even abolishing the punishment for good (Lipka). People do not realize they are only hurting the world by allowing more crimes to occur; sometimes using the heart hurts the brain. Incarceration is another way of punishment but it does not show true judgment. Judgment is justice, and even though no man has the divine right to take a person’s life away, those that “Live by the sword, die by the sword” said the God of the world; meaning those that kill, will eventually and shall, be