Lennie is the most loyal person in the whole book. Lennie is very loyal to George because George is his role model. George at times took advantage of this loyalty, but doesn’t anymore due to a bad choice. Lennie is so loyal that if he was told to “walk over a cliff, over he’d go” according …show more content…
Earlier in the story Lennie had mouse, and they later talked about how Lennie’s aunt Clara used to give lennie mice, and he “pinched their heads a little and then they was dead—because they was so little.” He did this on accident because he is such a huge guy he didn’t realize his strength. This trait is very active for Lennie, this is what gives him his soft spot. When George found out that Lennie was keeping a dead mouse he told Lennie to give it to him. Lennie got all upset and started crying, so this could be a large weak spot for Lennie. Also when Curly tried to fight Lennie George told Lennie not to because George knows that Curly could really hurt Lennie even though he is big.
Throughout the story Lennie didn’t change much. Lennie has stayed the same soft large guy the whole book. He has been a static character in the book because he has kept the same traits. The whole book Lennie has been the same because in the first chapter Lennie didn’t want to hurt the mouse, the same thing happened recently in the book when he didn’t want to hurt Curley. If Lennie did change he would look less innocent because he is thought of as a dumb childish like man, and if he got smarter people would be less sympathetic of him.
Through the experiences of Lennie I feel bad for him because everyone takes him to be a big tough man, but really he has a large heart and is extremely sensitive. John Steinbeck made Lennie