Social Media Affects An Individual's Identity

Superior Essays
Every individual has a unique identity, which shapes them to who they have became today. An identity is based of off what people believe in, what they do, their personality, interests, values, ethnicity, and physical appearance. An identity reflects on a particular person an individual wants to be with because they have the same interests. An identity changes overtime because people will be interested in different things like cars, hobbies, and how they act as years go by. In addition, mostly every individual has social media like Facebook, MySpace, Instagram, or Twitter to see what their favorite celebrities or friends are doing. People on social media also sees advertisements when they are on a website and on commercials. There is two commercials …show more content…
Roberts, “Implications of User Choice: The Cultural Logic of ‘MySpace or Facebook by Danah Boyd,”’ and “Convergence Culture,” by Henry Jenkins. Although many individual’s use social media, it affects people’s identity by not being able to show their true selves online because they don’t want to be left out, how they present what products they wear in their pictures, and every story gets told through social media. One reason why social media affects identity is how some people lie on social media to fit in with their friends or family. Individuals want to show their friends that they are living a good life by going on vacations, but in reality some people might be just sitting on the couch watching television. Several people pretend that they are interested in a product, but instead they are not really interested in it because they just want to fit in with everyone else. According to Rachel Lowry, Victor Ruiz explains, “People don’t want to be singled out, especially in a negative way, so they will try to make themselves look better and good to impress”(501). In today’s …show more content…
Throughout the world, there are several individuals wearing a logo that helps the company make money by advertising it for them. Advertising can be found on social media, public places, bus stops, and everywhere they go. People buy name brands and products that will depict their social class and people will judge who they are based on their appearance without even knowing them. On social media people will post pictures of their car, shoes, watch, and other products to show their class and identity. Consumerism influences our appearance based on what individuals buy and how they what to express their identity to others. As James A. Roberts explains, “As humans we rely on visual cues such as material possessions to convey our status to others and to a certain the status of people we don’t know”(pg.123). Individuals can express their social class and identity by kind of car they drive. People also wear a certain type of clothing like sports cloth, tuxedo, or a dress to help identity if they are athletic or a teacher. People judge strangers based on what people wear and what car they have. Another example is a commercial ad called ‘Just Do It’ 25th Anniversary Nike. It shows famous athletes that are wearing the Nike brand and it depicts the Nike logo in every part of the commercial. The company wants Nike to show the consumers identity by making them look like

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