How Does Littering Affect The Community

Improved Essays
Throwing trash away should be as easy as 1-2-3. However why don’t people practice this? This effortless notion can cause awful effects on our community and most importantly our environment. Littering on the street or in banks can obstruct the drainage system due to all of the plastic littered by people. Filthy surroundings can become an inconvenience to everyone. A dirty ambience or scenery is an eyesore for everyone to see. In order for us as a whole to solve this problem we must come together. Littering awareness must be brought into the light. Littering can have a huge impact on our health. If a particular area has a littering problem, this can affect its residents whom live there. The area will become uncared for and the community will suffer from it. Severe trash can increase bugs and rodents. Rats are often the main rodent when trash becomes abundant. Rats carry many germs and diseases. Rats are a serious health hazard to individuals. Rodents can be a vector of the plague, as of now it isn’t that drastic, but we must be aware of the possibilities. Practicing basic hygiene on the streets and getting back to …show more content…
The real reason that the worlds landfills weren’t overflowing with plastic was because most of it ended up in an ocean-fill.” Plastic bags get blown around and pushed into lakes, rivers, oceans and drains. “Nearly 200 different species of sea life including whales, dolphins, seals and turtles die due to plastic bags.” Many of these animals wrongfully die after ingesting plastic bags in which they mistake for food. Numerous countries have banned plastic bags altogether. Several grocery stores have joined the “go green movement” by not offering plastic bags or choosing to have people purchase plastic bags in order to carry groceries. By purchasing cloth or reusable bags when you shop you will replace the use of plastic bags altogether to help the

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