How Does John Locke Support A Totalitarian Government

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Position Paper
The conflict presented by the author of the source shows the relationship between individual rights and freedoms of citizens and the authority of the government for the common good. The source supports the idea of a totalitarian government to protect the civil rights of citizens to maintain stability in society, where a democracy would be unstable while trying to protect individual rights and freedoms. The author of the source is advocating for a totalitarian government believing that it would best serve the common good but if this idea were taken too far it could lead to detrimental impacts such as a World War. Civil liberties are freedoms such as freedom of speech, movement, religion and rule of law without the restrictions
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By allowing citizens these freedoms it can best serve the common good because people don’t have to take extreme measure to gain these rights causing unrest in society. I disagree with the source that the protection of “civil liberties undermines the stability of the state” because without the protection of civil liberties for citizens it can cause unneeded tension in society when citizens take extreme measures to obtain rights and freedoms. John Locke would not support the source because he believes that the source of power is the people themselves and the government should only exist to protect life, liberty, and property. A totalitarian government would not allow people to be a source of power or be able to use their free will to make decisions. John Stuart Mill believed in the idea of a democracy where people had a voice and could be free to do what they wished unless it harmed others. Civil rights can create a stable society until people take advantage of their freedoms and their decisions begin to negatively impact others by taking away their rights and freedoms or physically harming them. A totalitarian government would cause more unrest in society than protecting civil rights of citizens due to the measures citizens would take to gain civil …show more content…
At first, Adolf Hitler seemed to be a strong leader who was benefiting society by aiding Germany’s economy and reducing unemployment. The benefits that Hitler brought to Germany seemed to aid society by reducing the unemployment rate but only German citizens who were of the Aryan race were used in the statistics so the number of unemployed was much greater than recorded. Hitler became a totalitarian leader when he implemented the Enabling Act, restricting citizens rights and freedoms, spying on people through the elimination of privacy and declaring only the Aryan race citizens of Germany. Through the Enabling Act, it made it possible for the government to ban all political parties except for the Nazi Party, pass legislation without approval of the Reichstag and eliminate the need for warrants to conduct searches. People were afraid of Hitler and no longer trusted his rule, he had gained too much power and no one would go against him. Thomas Hobbes believe that society should give up their freedoms to a dictator who would be responsible for everyone’s security, Hobbes would support the source since it advocates for the use of a totalitarian leader. Hobbes’s idea that if everyone were free then everyone would be in danger would be justified by a totalitarian ruler who wants to restrict

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