John Locke's Influence On Government

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The enlightenment was one of the most revolutionary times in this world and there were lots of incredible and extraordinary thinker during this period of time, which all of them shaped and impacted the world but John Locke however was one of most revolutionary thinkers of that time that since he influenced and impacted how governments functioned and the power of common folk’s say in the government power and limits. Essentially John Locke principles influenced and profoundly improved on our understanding on how governments should function as said that “…..John Locke, was an outspoken supporter of equal rights within a governed society. He espoused the natural rights of man, namely the right to life, liberty and property, and he articulated that every government’s purpose is to secure these rights for its nationals.”(Broers, 1) John Locke’s work on natural theory is famous and has been touched by other philosophers such as Thomas …show more content…
The ideals are so radical and prominent they stirred waves for the British government during the Enlightenment and were the outsets of the American and French Revolutions. Furthermore, the 4th president of the United States, James Madison agreed and used John Locke’s ideals of liberty and how a government should protect and secure its citizen’s rights. Locke additionally successfully expanded the liberty of freedom of press, twice by opposing the “Act for the Regulation of Printing” likewise he believe and said “I know not why a man should not have liberty to print whatever he would speak” (John Locke). Conclusively I believe John Locke was the most influential philosopher during the enlightenment due to his work on natural theory and due to how significant his work and ideals were. Through all of these reasons we can clearly see John Locke is man of reason and philosophy showing that he is the most influential during the

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