The Americans, they figured, wanted to speed the Japanese surrender in the hope of preempting Soviet gains in Asia.” (5) Indeed, after the defeat of Germany, it was a dead cert that Japan will surrender at some point. Dropping the atomic bomb was clearly unnecessary, but it could be beneficial for the US. Atomic bombs acted as a deterrent, threatened those countries who didn’t have them. The presence of nuclear weapons potentially made the United Sates a dominant world power after the World War
The Americans, they figured, wanted to speed the Japanese surrender in the hope of preempting Soviet gains in Asia.” (5) Indeed, after the defeat of Germany, it was a dead cert that Japan will surrender at some point. Dropping the atomic bomb was clearly unnecessary, but it could be beneficial for the US. Atomic bombs acted as a deterrent, threatened those countries who didn’t have them. The presence of nuclear weapons potentially made the United Sates a dominant world power after the World War