Since this land was new and unknown, “Jefferson initiated an exploration of the newly purchased land and territory beyond the “great rock mountains” in the West.” ("Teaching With Documents: The Lewis and Clark Expedition."). Jefferson chose Meriwether Lewis and his friend, William Clark, to explore the unsettled area because they were trained and informed men on how to map, navigate and explore areas. Jefferson relied on Lewis and Clark to write down and map everything they saw. In the end, Lewis and Clark discovered fertile land, vast plains and buffalo herds. ("Teaching With Documents: The Lewis and Clark Expedition."). These findings helped advance the nation into becoming a first rank
Since this land was new and unknown, “Jefferson initiated an exploration of the newly purchased land and territory beyond the “great rock mountains” in the West.” ("Teaching With Documents: The Lewis and Clark Expedition."). Jefferson chose Meriwether Lewis and his friend, William Clark, to explore the unsettled area because they were trained and informed men on how to map, navigate and explore areas. Jefferson relied on Lewis and Clark to write down and map everything they saw. In the end, Lewis and Clark discovered fertile land, vast plains and buffalo herds. ("Teaching With Documents: The Lewis and Clark Expedition."). These findings helped advance the nation into becoming a first rank