How Did African Americans Influence Prior To The Declaration Of Independence

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Prior to The Declaration of Independence, African Americans had a significant amount of presence during the Revolutionary War. The Boston Massacre was an approach that led to the beginning of the first critical event in the American effort to separate themselves from the British and its leaders. The first person that led to a revolutionary attack was a black descendent: Crispus Attucks, which upon following the Boston Massacre, African Americans participated in several other outbursts of aggression between the settlers and the British force. By the time of the Revolution, blacks and Indians were frequently excluded from the society that was building up in their own eyes. The rich and wealthy had a lot of the power among themselves, establishing rules and creating a system

Colonies began recruiting and enlisting blacks during the 1700s, participating in the French and Indian war, Washington did prohibit the enlistment of blacks and enemies of liberty to America. For that reason, many slaves left their owners to join the
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Of course with many set backs and failures, a couple of upright moments occurred; Slavery decreased fast within all the colonies, some fled during the war and chaos while others stayed and fought more battles until they earned their freedom. The Quakers, a religious group immediately wanted to abolish slavery. Through hard fought arguments and legislation, most of the colonies for the bottom half became apart of the First Emancipation. The North colonies didn’t favor the Quakers or the idea of having blacks wondering freely. This would lead to The anti-slavery sentiment, preventing slaves from spreading out throughout the Northwest and some Southern colonies. Despite all the promises and disagreements of freeing slaves, it continued from 1785 up to 1810 which at that time was the highest importation of slaves into the

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