Professor Dr. Brittany Roberts
September 21, 2016
How Become a Great Business and Succeed with Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” According to Forbes magazine 8 out of 10 new businesses fail. The reason for an astonishing 80% failing rate is due to lack of cash. The reason for the lack of funds is due to improper business foundations, so one must ask what can be done to make the business a success? The answer would be that there must be a good foundation for the continual growth and prosperity of the company. The following are several different factors that are required for a company to succeed. Per Simon Sinek “Very few people know WHY they do what they do. The Why is not about …show more content…
This could be because it is someone else’s dream or simply due to the fact that they might have dreamt of doing something else with their life. Simon Sinek speaks of Samuel Pierpont Langley and the Wright Brothers in depth. Mr. Langley, an exceptionally smart man, whom had access to all the brilliant minds of his day, held a seat at Harvard, was a well-connected and was given $50,000.00 by the War Department to come up with the first flying machine. In contrast, the Wright Brothers, who never even completed High School, had very little money from their bicycle shop and just a few close friends to talk to, somehow managed to find a way to make their machine fly. The reason Mr. Langley did not persevere was because he embraced “The What”. He wanted the fame along with notoriety. The flying machine working was not his own priority or his dream, it was The War Departments dream. No matter the good intentions of an individual or company no one can will their hopes and dreams onto another person. The Wright brothers had this dream, “The Why” was the reason they were determined, they learned by every mistake they made; they knew they can do figure out a way to make the flying machine take flight, and that it must be done. The Wright Brothers were driven by a cause, by a purpose, and by their belief. They believed that if they could figure it out, make it work and change the world, and …show more content…
If a company is able to connect with the consumers on why they do what they do; then the consumers will find a way to incorporate it into their lives. Innately individuals want and need to believe in something, from the smallest purchases, as in a calculator for math to the largest of ones, like a home. This feeling of being understood makes them feel understood; that they are being heard, and a part of something bigger. A few examples of this would be Apple Inc. and on a more personal note Dr. Martin Luther King. Apple has mastered the understanding that human beings need to feel as if they are a part of something and that they are heard and more importantly understood. Apple can tap into our beliefs and communicate to us from the inside out. Over the years there has been a kind a conditioning and growing with Apple, so when it is heard that they are making changes and betterments it makes the clients feel as if they are listing to what they want. The most impressive of all of this type of thinking would be Dr. King. His movement appealed to what public believed in their hearts at that time. He spoke right to the individual about what he believed not what needed to be changed. As Mr. Sinek stated Dr. King had the "I have a dream" speech, not the "I have a plan" speech. Society took his cause and made it theirs,