Horseback riding seems to be no exception as evidenced by previous work. Heart rate has been shown to increase as the intensity increases. which means that as the horse and rider progressed from a walk, to trot, to canter the heart rate of the rider increased. The activation of certain …show more content…
No matter where you live everyone should be able to horseback ride if they want to they should not matter what age you are, you are allowed to horseback ride. So every city should have a public horse stable. Even if you don't like horse back riding some people enjoy it so if you live in a city that does not have a public horse stable change that by making a public horse stable.
Giving all of those reasons I believe that every city should have a public horse stable. for everyone to ride because it is not fair for people to have to go to certain cities just to go horseback riding. so if you are someone who want to make a change get up and do that. even if you don't want a horse stable in your city many people might. so if you love horses or any animals that make a change in your