The Stereotypes Of Latinos In Film

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Hollywood has many influences on people 's views and opinions. Hollywood has a way of stereotyping individuals in a vision they believe is true. Latinos have been in Hollywood films for a very long time, yet they are typically cast in supporting roles in every film they have ever acted in. For example, in Beverly Hills Chihuahua, the main leads are white actresses while the supporting male lead is a Latino, playing a Gardner. Latinos are never given a main role; the roles they do have are always negatively viewed. They are only in movies for a short amount of time. There are also a very small percentage of Latino directors directing movies with higher recognition. By looking at scholarly articles and a study conducted by University of Southern …show more content…
Hollywood usually uses five main stereotypes in every film that have Latino roles. The five main stereotypes used in films are maids/housekeepers, Latin lovers, sex pots (Latina Women), gang members, and immigrants. In majority of the films we researched Latinos were always portrayed negatively. Latinas were either maids or sexpots. Latinas were usually sexualized, filmed scantily clad or partially naked, in most films. They were almost always portrayed as the sex symbol of the film. A study conducted by USC, “Inclusion or Invisibility? Comprehensive Annenberg Report on Diversity in Entertainment,” determined that about 38% of Latinas were sexualized in films. This research shows how Hollywood portrays Latinas and how they are mostly seen as “sex pots”. Latinas are not usually cast in films due to their talents but for what they can bring to the screen pertaining to the stereotype, that Latinas are only good as sex symbols. For example, Eva Longoria, in Desperate Housewives, played a scheming Latina homemaker who used her looks to advance her social life. As well as Sofia Vergara in Madea Goes to Jail, she plays a Latina in jail whose character is overly sexualized. In addition, Tanisha Ramirez, a journalist in the Huffington Post, explains, “The problem here is that this idea of the curvy, sexy and sultry Latina denies many Latinas their cultural identification based on their physical appearances …show more content…
A Lot of action films always tend to include a Latino gang member in the plot, whether they are part of a gang or in a cartel. For example, the movie American Me, a film that gives a “fictionalized account” of the Mexican Mafia’s rise to power in the California federal penitentiary system from the 1950s to the 1980s, focuses on a Latino mafia. The film describes the journey of Montoya Santana, a young man from East Los Angeles, who becomes the leader of a powerful prison gang while serving time for murder. This film sets a perfect example how many negative stereotypes come to play. After viewing films like American Me, people believe that many Latinos are violent and are in gangs or cartels. Likewise, the stereotype of Latino males being Latin lovers skyrocketed in the 50s. A film was created due to this stereotype and its popularity. The movie, Latin Lovers, is based in Brazil where the handsome Latino charms the main character. These detrimental stereotypes are harmful because it overlooks the individuality of a person. It also inhibits personal growth and lessens self-motivation of the actor. They will not be motivated to continue their career. The industry traps the Latino culture in the bodies of Hispanics. Hollywood only focuses on their looks without regarding the culture they come from. Tanisha Ramirez states, “In essence, this sort of thinking traps

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