Latin women have to go through life hearing from inappropriate things from men. I am a Latina, I have been a situation where I have been asked why do I look like that. How should I look? I am human being with feelings. Why should I be listening to this man's words? Accordingly to this …show more content…
Learn to meet the anyone who is in the certain group. Latina women are very welcoming, yet if you so say something that may offend them. Guess right here the spicy, hot, fire attitude the Latina women have is going to come out like many people say. Do not go off of something you hear throughout the community, friends, family, and through media go off your judgment. Do not judge the book by its a cover is something I learned from my father. We have to get to know the person, especially seeing it from our own eyes and nobodies else eyes. Nobody is perfect, therefore, we are no one to start judging nor stereotyping those groups. We are all human beings trying to survive throughout life, why make it more complicated with a stereotypes surrounding us. We are humans so let's start thinking for ourselves without no one's opinion. Life is fascinating why should we fill it up with unacceptable hatred. We should use a lot of reasoning, logic, analyzing when we are in a situation stereotyping a group of