Clare house, Eva was very sick with what they supposed a cough. Marie St. Clare, the mother of Eva, does not acknowledge that it is worse than just a simple cold. Eva would play around, as if she were not sick, but in reality she knew it was going to be her time to go to heaven soon. She felt heartbroken for the ones who loved her, including their servants because they were going to have to live without her. Eva was a young child, but she understood much of what was going on with slavery, and she did not like it at all. Fear occupied her mind over the slaves who were going to be left with her mother, who was not very nice to them. St. Clare was the only good man she knew that would treat the slaves right. Her father was then stabbed with a bowie knife in a fight that had occurred, and unfortunately he left the world before he could free Tom, as Eva had asked him to. Mrs. St. Clare was therefore, the new master of all the slaves. They anticipated the tyranny of Mrs. St. Clare. Later, a slave named Adolph warned Tom that St. Clare was to sell the land and all the slaves with it. Tom gets bought by Mr. Legree who does not respect him and demands a plea from him, when Tom has done no wrong. A couple days later, two of the house slaves escape and Legree suspects Tom knows something. He whips Tom for an entire night. When he got drained of his energy, he asks two of his men to finish the job. In the time that he is being beaten, Tom is praying and saying many …show more content…
Yes, at first it was not the most enjoyable thing to read, but as the story went on, there was sorrowful and interesting events. To really know about the lives of many slaves is mind blowing. It is really understandable that Eliza did what she did to save her little boy. Also, where Tom keeps quiet and eventually dies for the slaves’ idea of running away. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby were really nice people. If only every slave had owners like that, their life would have been much better. Everything stated in the book, was detailed perfectly. There was just the issue of sometimes understanding the language of the slaves, but it got easier along the