Harriet Beecher Stoowe's View On Slavery

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Tensions arose between the North and the South on the controversial issue of slavery as it resulted in violence and the much-debated Fugitive Slave Law. In 1862, Harriet Beecher Stowe, a young novelist, had the great honor of meeting President Abraham Lincoln, as he remarked, “So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war.” Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin made its way throughout the North to exemplify the horrors that slavery placed into this nation which greatly impacted individuals from far and wide. The mother of twelve wrote descriptions of reality through her imagination about slavery which sparked a drastic change for the North’s perspective on this matter. Stowe's novel came to be the most influential novel in American history due to its powerful influence to the North and the way the South viewed the novel which became interesting for millions of readers to know about. After the creation of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Northerners understood and were empathetic with slaves and the treatment they dealt with day after day. Stowe emphasizes this by examining the dialogue that goes on between Simon Legree, the slave master, and his slave, Tom, which demonstrates the relationship between the characters. Legree addresses the slaves as 'niggers' and explains the disturbing realities they are about to face as they get ready to be sold. He marched up to the bar to chat with a man and states, "'That's the way I begin with my niggers,' he said to a gentlemanly man, who had stood by him during his speech..." (Stowe 367). Due to the fact that the slaves cannot defend themselves, they are subjected to follow whatever their masters tell them or else harsh consequences will follow. As many Northerners are reading these passages in literary magazines and newspapers around 1861 to 1862, they are appalled to discover what actually goes on between the slaves and their masters. …show more content…
Their thoughts revolve around the way Southern masters treated their slaves and how the practices in this fiction novel were used on a daily basis for so many. For instance, Legree demands Tom to strip his somewhat nice clothes and shoves some cheap clothes in Tom's face. Legree tells his slave to, "Take might good care of them clothes. It'll be long enough 'fore you get more...one suit has to do for one year, on my place" (Stowe 366 - 367). Many might believe that it is quite impossible to live off of only one article of clothing for an entire year, but shocked to find out that this was a very common practice. Although many Southerners presumed that the author was biased, they could not deny the fact that they treated slaves by identifying them as property, not human beings. As a result, the book was outlawed in the South due to much controversies but became popular around the rest of the world. Kennedy states that the South had, "...learned that hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans were reading and believing her "unfair" indictment" (Kennedy 410 - 411) which demonstrates that a majority of individuals were influenced by Stowe's words and also impacted their lives greatly. Consequently, the North had won the Civil War mainly because of the influence of Uncle Tom's Cabin as the success abroad was phenomenal because millions of copies were sold in and out of the

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