The Economic Institution of Slavery was a euphemism for the economic ratifications in the American South. This institution of slavery was an enormous problem within the country. This ordeal was clearly an issue, which ended up leading to the Civil War. Another economic difference, would be the rise of industries in the North. The Industry Revolutions mainly benefitted the North since they were the more industrial based area, rather than the South being the more agriculture based area. A more industrialized zone is much more technologically advanced environment; a more futuristic environment is much more of an advantage of farming. The growth of railroads was also a huge economic factor between the North and South. Clearly the North had more railroads since they were more industrialized. Railroads were the key for transportation in the 1850’s because cars and other vehicles were not invented yet. When an area has more railroads, more supplies, more people, and more supporters will be in your area, thus giving an area more of an advantage. If one ever wanted a copious amount of cotton or crops, the South would be the perfect area to be in. The South had more agriculture than the North, but is that much of a benefit? It mostly certainly isn’t, especially 10 years later in the Civil War when the North has all these advanced machinery and all the South has is cotton. To sum up, the North and South differ from each other …show more content…
have differences with each other politically. First off, the Dred Scott v Sanford case caught abolitionists’ attention. Dred Scott was a black slave that wanted to be an U.S. citizen, and he attempted to sue his owner just for his own freedom. Scott put up an argument stating that his time spent in his slave locations has entitled him to emancipation since his slavery contract was up. In the end, Scott’s requests were denied, thus making him a slave once again. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a politically difference between the North and South because of the slavery laws within it. This Act was published in 1854 and was allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within the new state’s borders. This was an unfair act because it failed to end slavery, when apparently it was supposed to end slavery. Finally, Abraham Lincoln was the biggest political difference from the South. Abe was elected in 1860 and was the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln was a republican born in the North meaning that he was anti-slavery. Southerners were completely scared of Lincoln taking office. When he is in office that means slavery wouldn’t be able to be spread and it would most likely come to an end. Even before Abe won the presidency, southerners were already planning their plan to assassinate him. In conclusion, political differences were one of the main dissimilarities between the North and South. In 1850-1860 there