National AIDS and STD control programme should provide simple, clear and accurate information about AIDS in order to create public awareness and understanding of the dangers of the disease. Put more effort in the use of newspaper, radio, television, posters, roadside billboards, drama and songs contests to disseminate information about HIV and AIDS to the general public.
Public information campaign should aim at:
1. Increasing knowledge and concern about HIV and AIDS.
2. Promoting safer sexual behavior thus reducing the sexual transmission of HIV.
3. Encouraging respect and compassion for people living with HIV/AIDS …show more content…
They should stress the need to be faithful to one partner after marriage, as the Bible has commanded, “thou shall not commit adultery”.
This study has opened up avenues for further studies to be conducted on HIV/AIDS. The researcher feels it would be interesting to validate this study as it will enable us earnestly face the challenges posed by AIDS – prevention and care for the increasing number of its victims.
The following research topics can be of immense help and benefit to the general populace.
- Effect of AIDS on the lifestyle of the people. This will try to tell us if the advent of AIDS has any impact on the lifestyle of the masses. It will help us to know whether they are still indulging in those old habits of theirs whether they have been any change.
- Factors contributing to effective coping with HIV/AIDS in HIV positive clients.
- Psychosocial-economic effect of HIV on the families with an AIDS …show more content…
There is still insufficient high level political support for the prevention and control.
1. Adler, Michael W.M. (1993): ABC of AIDS. 3rd Edition BMJ. Publishing Group, London.
2. Farthing, Charles F., Simon Brown, Staughton, Richard C.D., (1988): A Colour Atlas of AIDS and HIV Disease 2nd Edition. Wolfe Medical Publishers Limited, London.
3. Flaskerud, Jacquelyn Haak, Ungvarski, Peter J. (1989): HIV/AIDS: A Guide to Nursing Care. 2nd Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
4. James R. Allen (1992): Human Immuno Deficiency Virus refection in Children Chapter 194, Page 2190-2197, in the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 16th Edition. R.Berkow and A.J. Fletcher. National Publishing Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
5. Mindel, Adrian (1990): AIDS – A Pocket Book of Diagnosis and Management. Edward Arnold – London.
6. Pratt, Robert. (1991): AIDS – A Strategy for Nursing Care, 3rd edition. Hodder and Stoughton London.
7. Whatson’s (1992): Medical – Surgical Nursing and Related Physiology by Joan A. Royle et al 4th Edition pg. 75-83, London.
8. W.H.O. AIDS SERIES 10. (1992): School of Health Education – To Prevent AIDS and STD. WHO in collaboration with the UNESCO, W.H.O. –