1B- People always say that a nation with no education is a building with no bedrock. Most people agree that nations and countries can become civilized by education.
1C- Literacy and education have a strong connection with the map of Warlords, Gang lords, & Militias. Countries. Strong education leads to a low presence of gang lords and warlords, the map shows us that countries with around 35% and above of adult literacy for its people will most likely have sort of presence of gangs in its region. And it makes sense people argue that education will make the country more organized and that will lead to fewer problems
1D- Education and literacy are related HIV/AIDS. HIV and AIDS can become a serious problem if the society …show more content…
The military became a primer solution in the world conflicts if negotiation did not work. Countries with no military power will probably lose the other countries interest.
3C- Military Muscles and Religious beliefs are connected in many aspects. First off, most of the wars in the world are associated with religion somehow, it’s not the religion’s fault, but how people interact and understand. For example, Saudi Arabia (a Sunni Muslim country) is the among the highest military spending countries in the world, and that due to the Sunni-Shi’a conflict between the Kingdom and Iran (a Shi’a Muslim country).
3D- Military Muscles are associated The New Front Line. Terrorist attacks can make serious conflicts between countries and nations, with that happening, countries could engage in a race of military spending and enhancing their ability to defend its people, borders, and their allies. The 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States, started a war in Iraq and made the United States pay a huge bill of trillions into the military …show more content…
Women’s rights were very limited many decades ago; I’ve been studying that in my sociology class that men have privilege over women in our world, including having more senior jobs, and higher salaries.
4C- Women’s Rights and Obesity have a connection. For example, women’s rights in Saudi Arabia are very limited, women have limited jobs unlike men (Saudi Arabia is among the lowest countries in equal rights), so most of them stays at home, and do not go outside often, which can increase obesity (overweight adults 70% or more).
4D- Women’s Rights and Goals for Development are related. Most countries with limited Women’s rights (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, India, all African countries, etc.) have insufficient progress to reach the goal of increasing women’s paid. On the other hand, Most of the countries with high Women’s Rights increased the women’s paid employment to increase gender equality.
5B- Sexual diseases are spreading all over the world causing severe problems and people became paranoid about having sexual intercourse with a partner. Since the HIV/AIDS discovered in 1983, it has been a concern for all nations and