Gun Violence Research Paper

Improved Essays
Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman being controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. At the present time, there are about more than four thousand religions in the world. Each of them has a different set of mores and idiosyncrasies to follow. But, sometimes these conventions don’t exactly assure the person’s wants or needs. Religion sometimes get in the way of people’s civil rights because the majority of religions have a strict code of conduct that will prevent you from doing things you’ll want to do, many religions may pressure you to conform, and nearly all, might take advantage of your credibility to make you think things are alright when they’re actually not.
The majority of religions have a strict code of
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When injustice is right at your face, you won’t be able to do or say anything because confrontation is something avoidable in the world of religion. They may tell you to forgive and forget, or not to cause “chaos” because that would against the church’s peaceful teachings. Furthermore, it is one of your civil rights to bear arms, but is it the right thing to do? Most religion would say no, because guns represent violence, and violence is almost an antonym of religion. But what if you work in a field where guns are needed? What if someone's is threatening you or anyone with a weapon? Are you supposed to stay still and not defend yourself or would you do something to try to stop a tragedy? Sometimes, the tenets of religion are in direct conflict of real life situations that we …show more content…
This is because religion is a system where everybody is accepted and loved. It is based on a peaceful environment that people go and pray for a simpler life. In fact, they may encourage the public to “fight” for justice. For example, Pope Francis spoke to the (US) Congress in September 2015. Why would a religious figure get political if it wasn’t okay for others to do the same? Also, no one is obligated to join a religion if they don’t want to.
In brief, there are moments when religion interferes with people’s civil rights. Some religions’ ethics are too strict or irrational. Some asks members to accept whatever situation is happening at that time, which may prevent people from advocating for themselves. And some will make them wait a lifetime so things (that can be changed by you) could get better in the name of God. To counteract the grip of religion, it is suggested to believe in whatever you want to believe. At the end of the day it is your life. However, don’t let it silence you. Don’t let it make you do things you don’t want to do, and, surely, don’t let it ruin your life. After all, this is a very controversial topic. Some people may agree with me, some may not, and everybody has their own opinion. But, one thing can’t be ignored; religion has become such a big part of societies worldwide. They (if it is practiced) will change a person’s views and how they react to things.

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