Argumentative Essay-It's A Constitutional Rights

Superior Essays
It’s a Constitutional Right Gun control is an action taken by the government that controls the purchasing, selling, and use of handguns by citizens in the United States. The right to own a gun has become a big controversy amongst the United States. Although some people claim that guns are harmful and lead to many deaths, guns should not be restricted because doing so would go against the second amendment, and it would make it harder for civilians to defend themselves if needed. Prohibiting guns would fail in preventing criminals from getting weapons because they are already obtaining them illegally; therefore, disposing of guns would give the criminals of America a greater advantage against the unarmed civilians. “If you take guns away from legal gun owners, then the only people who would have guns would be the bad guys” (Bruce Willis). The Founding Fathers of the United States put in place 27 amendments to protect the citizen’s rights; one of them being the Second Amendment that was ratified in 1791. The Second Amendment stated that “[a] well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (“Second Amendment”). Since the Second Amendment was added to the Constitution, the gun industry has advanced due to the improvement in technology. Guns have become more affordable and easier to access which has led to many mass shootings in the United States. America’s gun policy and registration is steadily becoming stricter; however, in order to avoid future shootings, there should already be steady baseline in place to own a gun. In addition to the Second Amendment, another bill known as the “Stand Your Ground” bill was created in 2005 and made in Florida. It gave citizens the right to use guns for self defense. They believed that this bill would help prevent death. Guns are classified into three different types: rifles, handguns, and shotguns. The United States is very flexible on what guns you can own. If a person wanted to buy a machine gun, they could; however, purchasing a machine gun requires the gunt to be registered in a national database and to pay a $200 tax (Quiz: Which guns are banned across the US?). “Under the Undetectable Firearms Act, it is illegal to make any weapon with less than 3.7oz of metal or that cannot be detected by a metal detector” (Quiz: Which guns are banned across the US?). American citizens should be unable to purchase guns of mass destruction such as machine guns. Guns are to be used for defense mechanisms only; therefore, a machine gun is not necessary. There should be a stricter law in place that references certain guns that can be purchased. Many people say that there should be stricter background checks, but that would not solve the issue of criminals buying guns illegally. When criminals go out to buy guns, they avoid having to give any information about themselves. If buying a certain gun requires any background information, a criminal will most likely not even consider the gun. A law protecting the purchasing and selling of guns would not stand as a challenge to criminals who already obtain their weapons illegally. "Criminals don 't obey the law… Without the fear of retaliation from victims who might be packing heat, criminals in possession of these …show more content…
On October 1, 2015, there was a shooting at the community college in Oregon. The shooter walked into the classrooms firing. He was specifically targeting Christians. Ten people were killed and seven people were injured. The shooter happened to be enrolled in the school. Another recent shooting was at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Twenty students were killed and six adults were killed (For Newtown, 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Is Still Painful). In all of these shootings, none of the adults had any weapons to defend themselves. If the teachers were supplied with guns, maybe they could have defended themselves and some of the kids if not all of them. The shooter knew that it would not be a challenge because he knew the teachers had no weapons on them to fight back with. The shooter would already be put at a bigger

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