Baby Boomers are the senior generation now, but they remember the 50's and 60's when corporations promoted quality craftsmanship as well as excellent community service to entice customers to fork over their hard-earned cash. Television was in its infancy along with national advertising exposing their product visually to millions of viewers.
Even then, corporate actions set the standards of what the employee and the public were to expect from them. They created and furthermore formed our expectations of them. Most of …show more content…
The corporate world began a global climate for trade. "A race of the top" became the new business model with global dollars as the icon for success. Corporations began to shift their focus using profits as the indicator of success.
As this boom was expanding the consumer was no longer the target for success. Making profits to please the stockholder became the new focus. This led to corporate ethics focused on consumers shifting to any means necessary to make a larger profit each year.
The Millennials were being born as this shift was taking place. They were raised in this "no holds barred" corporate society and have made decisions as a consequence of this exposure.
The generation is focusing their energy on replacing a greedy, competitive, "cut corner" business model with a socially based workforce and consumer-friendly plan. They are refusing to work for companies that do not meet their standards. Furthermore, they are also refusing low standard products and imports that are use children or slave labor.
An example is Jane