In most companies you must make personal decisions on whether or not you think your choices will benefit you along with the company and others. A study done by the University of Oxford shows that individuals at the top tend to make more of an effort in interests of a group than those at the bottom (Kluger, 2014, paragraph 2), this meaning people of a high titles are more concerned about your needs then someone who may be on the same level or below you. This is just one case of how corporations aren’t always selfish and take into consideration their consumer’s needs. A company is made up of many individuals, these individuals also make up the company and if each and every one of these persons didn’t want to watch their company succeed it wouldn’t. The personal greed also benefits these companies. Greed is the number one motivator to achievement, it pushes you to strive towards the goals you set for yourself and achieve what you have worked hard for. There isn’t anything wrong with using greed as a motivator, even if it’s the prize of something small. We make decisions based off the outcome we expect or desire, you work hard in order to reward yourself with triumph, if it’s from getting a raise or something small like receiving acknowledgment for your tasks. Greed doesn’t always make you bad a person, just because you want to reward yourself doesn’t make you out to be someone …show more content…
Many companies are given the opportunity to do well and impress their consumers and future cliental. With the large amounts of money these companies make they are able to put some of it to good use by helping out charities while also giving their company name a good reputation. Some may say this is immoral, it’s not. There is nothing immorally wrong with wanting to help out where able and receiving the acknowledgment for your kindness. Nowadays companies that donate to various causes and charities give their consumers a feeling of satisfactory knowing that they helped support a business that does good. More and more companies are beginning to donate to various causes trying to make a difference in the world. An American company called Wells Fargo a multinational banking and financial service firm donated 1.3% of its 2011 pre-tax profits, or $315,845,766 cash to 19,500 non-profits and schools nationwide (Smith, 2013, paragraph 6). Slowly and surely large companies are starting to make a difference, there greed and hard work has paid off and they are now able to put it towards something of the greater good. These companies may well be greedy in every way possible but they are still benefiting the world by donating that