If you believe you are adequately aged and resolute in your estimations to, express your opinions, your distresses, and indignation, in a national form, such as the Main Stream Media concerning the inalienable Rights held by all Americans, then prepare yourselves for strong, and massive, opposing opinions defending those long-held and cherished Liberties and RIGHTS. Additionally, do not underestimate American’s Love of their Liberties, and their willingness to defend those Liberties and RIGHTS; confuse these not, with bathrooms and gender issues, Immigration or even healthcare. Our Nation was not created out of Emotions and Tears alone, HARD Men ARMED with dangerous weapons stood their ground founded on their Principled Beliefs,
If you believe you are adequately aged and resolute in your estimations to, express your opinions, your distresses, and indignation, in a national form, such as the Main Stream Media concerning the inalienable Rights held by all Americans, then prepare yourselves for strong, and massive, opposing opinions defending those long-held and cherished Liberties and RIGHTS. Additionally, do not underestimate American’s Love of their Liberties, and their willingness to defend those Liberties and RIGHTS; confuse these not, with bathrooms and gender issues, Immigration or even healthcare. Our Nation was not created out of Emotions and Tears alone, HARD Men ARMED with dangerous weapons stood their ground founded on their Principled Beliefs,