Gottman created an atmosphere which provided couples, both married or not an understanding on martial stability and relationship analysis. “Gottman is a 56-year-old professor of psychology and the codirector of the Gottman Institute, where he counsels couples and trains other therapists,” (Kita, 2000). He uses both the psychology field and the scientific observations to improving relationship functioning. “It is the balance between positive and negative emotional interactions in a marriage that determines its well-being- whether the good moments of mutual pleasures, passion, humor, support…etc.,” (Gottman1994, p.44). In regards to Gottman’s assessments and what it takes to sustain a relationship, I would have to say that I agree. Not only is there some scientific observation, but there is also studies which have proven to help relationship. “Using a scientific approach, they have found four negative factors that can predict divorce and seven positive principles that predict marital success,” (Johnson, 2009). A relationship is based off so much more than just attraction, one must be able to feel that there is still fondness and admiration, lastly communicate problems with receiving some sort of feedback or response back. Being ignored in a relationship is definitely a deal breaker. When taking a look at the “Love Lab,” video many begin to notice the environment of the “love lab”, many are for it and others are against it. For someone to be recording you, and observe you based on questionnaires, current problems and meet with researchers. Although I was not so convinced at first when watching the video, I began to realize that a lot of the research strategies and topics which were brought up definitely have an interesting take on it. “In the “Love Lab,” researchers claim they can predict with …show more content…
Unlike Gottman, earlier socialist and psychologist focused on mate selection; the personality of who marries who, where and whether an individual flourishes or not. Gottman looked at the bigger picture, what ways to make the relationship thrive. When taking a look at “The Love Lab,” and comparing Nathan Ackerman, a psychologist for both family and couple therapy, he took a shift towards aiming family therapy in order to create clinical approaches to clinical problems. As family and couple therapy psychologist would put it, "two neurotics can be happily married,” (Ackerman, 1982). In the end, whether we believe or follow Gottmans study or not, we must understand there is so much more to making a relationship. I believe Gottmans “Love Lab,” definitely presented some very powerful and insightful