The Math Of Love Analysis

Improved Essays
Can love be researched? And if so, how on earth is it done? Well, Dr. Fry displays a very informative presentation on “The Mathematics of Love,” shown on the popular conference series, TED. She dives into the process on how to find the ideal partner, knowing when is the right age to marry, and how to stay in a relationship. While her lecture is interesting and worth looking into, it is also important to understand is how she incorporates the ways of knowing into her research. While there are a total of eight ways of knowing, she primarily uses four of them: reasoning, language, intuition, and memory.
To illustrate the first way of knowing, reasoning, it is important to know about what kind of reasoning as it is such a broad term. The kind
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Fry doesn’t just use one way of knowing; she also uses language. Language is simply defined by Dennis O 'Neil, author of “Language and Culture: An Introduction to Human Communication,” as the way creatures communicate through forms such as speech, non-verbal communication, and most importantly for this subject, symbols (O’Neil). Dr. Fry’s third point about keeping relationships definitely shows the use of symbols in the most universally known way possible, mathematics. She provides a mathematically proven equation to show the likely response of a spouse in a conversation when it becomes their turn to speak. The equation uses all sorts of letters and symbols but they aren’t all random, they all have meaning just like any other math problem such as the spouse’s mood when with and without their partner and the partner’s influence. In a nutshell, she used the language of mathematics to get her topic across to the …show more content…
Fry’s speech. Memory, defined by writers Hanneman and Rashad, is known as the way living creatures store information for use on a later date (Hanneman). In the second point of Dr. Fry’s report, she explains how to find the perfect partner and how memory is needed to do so. In order to find the perfect partner, research recommends that a person needs to reject the first 37% of people dated within the ages of 15 and 35 and marry the next person afterwards that is better than the previous dates. This can only be achieved by remembering how great relationships were in the past so it is possible to compare them in the future. The purpose of having memory in a situation like this is to prevent marrying someone who will end up as bland just like previous relationships, as shown by Dr.

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