Glt1 Task 5.1

Improved Essays
Homework 5

1. One of the important things that a caregiver must remember is that you cannot shake a baby to make them stop crying. While shaking a baby can lead to many other painful things to the child it can also give the child shaken baby syndrome. As it is stated in the book, caregiver might get frustrated with the child crying, and think shacking it will make it stop but all instead it can lead to this life threatening condition. Shaking baby syndrome is “a motion that ruptures blood vessels in the brain and break neural connection”.
Another thing that a caregiver tends to forget is the fact that there is a part of the infant’s brain is still continuing to grow, as stated “the brain develops a lifelong”, mean that it takes year to fully have the brain develop. Even after conception the brain is continue to expand and develop more and more each day. The prefrontal cortex is still developing during infancy years. The baby does not yet understand how to stop crying or when to stop. They are still learning how to control their emotions. This is a prime example why babies should never be dropped on the ground. Many tragic things can happy if the caregiver does not keep these thoughts in mind.

2. When it comes to sensations, all sensory starts off on body that start up your senses like eyes, ears, nose, touch, and etc.
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When you smell something rotten, your perception receives a message from the cortex and it starts to adjust. All sensory messages will be processed by perception. An interesting fact that I didn’t know about was that a sensory can send a message to the perception, and it can make you have a memory of something in the past, or remind you of a certain smell that an old family member wore. Then we finally come to cognition, when it comes to cognition you are processing knowledge and understand through thought, personal experiences, and the

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