The other term “Flat” refers to the current state of the planet’s economy and how fast technology and services spread in the modern age. In recent years the Earth has become more connected than ever before due to increases in technology, such as the invention of the internet. This “flatness” allows the world to move at a very fast pace and this has proven to become an issue.
The term “crowded” …show more content…
Through the author’s explanation of global warming, I have really developed an understanding of how beneficial clean energy can be for humans. Global warming is a process that is caused by anthropogenic forces, meaning they are caused by human activities. These activities include production/manufacture of goods, transportation, and deforestation. Although there are numerous other examples of how humans are polluting the Earth with greenhouse gases, the main point is that we need to make a switch to more sustainable and clean sources of energy production if we want a hospitable future for our