It is time for humans to consider their wellbeing and make the survival of our species a priority, on the ground that human existence is being threatened by the pollution from greenhouse gases. The discharged of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere increase the temperature, which could result in dehydration, cancer, and global warming etc. Green house emission can be reduced by the use of wind turbines, which gets its energy from the wind. It is clean, cost-effective and reliable, but some people oppose it. Wind is a clean source of energy that does not pollute the air compared to fossil fuels usage, which could lead to emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The use of wind energy through wind turbines is a safer method of getting clean and safe energy, as it reduces the effects of global warming by substituting environmental harmful methods such as, burning of fossil fuels. According to Hancock, Trevor (2015), “study showed that the demise of 4.5 million in a year is as a result of contaminated air, perilous activity and disease connected with our carbon-escalated vitality framework. In the year 2030 the death rate might ascend.” (P .A8).If the use of wind energy increases, and the use of fossil fuels decreases the air would be less polluted, undoubtedly there would be lower death rates caused by air pollution, and reduction of cost for the government. In addition, wind turbines does not require the use of water or fuel to function, that is why it is cheaper than some other sources of energy. …show more content…
Wind energy is renewable and accessible at all times, as a result there will be steady supply with it. For over 20 years there has been a significant reduction of cost in a 6 billion dollars industry because of the adequate use of wind energy. (Suzuki, 2014). Because wind is a natural force we do not have to pay for it, which means the cost of wind vitality will not increase. For the same reason, present expense is liable to drop as the business segment of wind energy increase. Even more, wind energy is the most reliable source of vitality. Most farmers who grow corns and soybeans rely upon wind energy because it helps the crops fight against infections and develop better. Also wind energy boost employment. According to American wind energy association, the wind fabricating division has expanded from 2,500 to 20,000 within a period of six years, and is likely to increase to 34,000. (U.S department of energy, 2015). Although, wind energy is beneficial however it has its disadvantage. The existence of birds are threatened by wind turbines. The blades used to make wind turbines are large and sharp, hence when birds fly into it they get sliced. Nevertheless, the number of birds killed by wind turbines are fewer than that which has been killed by utility tower and carnivorous animals, etc. The passing of winged animals is rated 0.2 per annual at a place called Almount pass in California, where seven thousand wind turbines were raised. In reality it is not wind turbines that endanger the lives of birds, it is the steady changes of climate. (Suzuki, 2014). The lungs of birds are contaminated by the emission of greenhouse gases, which could cause respiratory disorder, and when they cannot breathe anymore they are likely to die. Because wind turbines help clean the air,