Gender dysphoria goes all the way back to the Greeks and has been recognized throughout Europe, Asia, and America. The Gallae were people in ancient Greece, Rome, and Persia, who displayed some kind of gender or sexual variety. “ The ancient mythology was replete with stories of those we now call transgender people, which clearly indicates that transgender was something that was commonplace in those times”. The Gallae were known as the transgender people back in the ancient era. During the seventeenth through nineteenth, centuries Europe helped the male and female transgendered people. Even some of the Popes in Rome were known to be women. The medical professions in the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and the twentieth centuries chose to see transgendered people as “someone with a problem” because they did not meet the standards of social norms for the time. In the past two hundred years, there have been thousands of reports of men and women having different sets of genitalia than expected. Transgender can be observed and identified in all cultures regardless of the level of acceptance, but some cultures are more receptive to alternate lifestyle than …show more content…
Most people who are not heterosexual still face obstacles at work that are related to being gay, bisexual, asexual, or even pansexual. It is important for the employees to feel safe and comfortable while at work because if they are being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity then they will not perform effectively in the workplace. Sexual orientation discrimination means treating someone differently solely because of his or her biological gender or sexual orientation. These instances can include being denied advancement in one’s profession or even harassment by one 's coworkers because he or she is different than those around them. According to the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, same sex couples to have the right to marry in every state and have the same benefits and protection that heterosexuals have.( Liptak,) Therefore, there is currently no federal law prohibiting types of sexual discrimination. Sexual orientation is not protected by the federal law the way race, color, sex or any sort of this matter. Due to lack of legal protection in some states people are being fired, denied marriage services, and jobs because of they are either gay, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, transeuxal or simply live an alternate lifestyle from the