He came out of the motion with a punk buster ready and swinging. The spikes off his toes caught one of Gatlocke’s arms, causing it to misfire away from Rex. Gatlocke still had his other arm— he geared it to double-blades, aiming at the build’s smallest point to sever the it clean off Rex’s leg. But Rex already had a funchuck set, knocking Gatlocke away before the strike was dealt.
Rex landed in a skid, allowing the momentum to ease him farther downhill and increase the distance between them. He saw …show more content…
Rex bucked his hips up eagerly, moaning.
”Keep crying, Rexy,” Gatlocke breathed.
It wasn’t difficult to with dirt from their earlier scuffle falling into his eyes, with a hard cybernetic hand pushing and pulling hard on his hair, with a cock fucking his face like he were a worthless cumbucket fucktoy, with Gatlocke taking his damned sweet time opening Rex’s slacks and reaching into his boxers.
By the time fingers wrapped around his wet, aching dick— twirling languid circles around the sensitive head, fuuuck— the sob that escaped him wasn’t even near being forced.
Gatlocke hissed in response to the sound and shoved forward, closing the remaining gap between his cock and Rex’s open throat. Rex gagged, but Gatlocke plunged deep enough that it didn’t matter. And suddenly hot jizz was flooding Rex’s airway, Gatlocke jerking his hips with staggered grunt. The muscles in his legs trembled briefly before relaxing, and Gatlocke pulled out of Rex’s mouth, still spurting liquid white onto the teen’s