Blackfish, a documentary filmed by Gabriela Cowperyhwaite in 2013, tells us a story about Tilikum, a killer whale that has taken lives of 3 orca trainers. The documentary focuses on topics such a problems …show more content…
Cowperyhwaite presents the issue in a way that adds a sense of urgency to the argument. The filmmakers of Blackfish keep supporting their argument through out the movie with a guarantee that the people are unaware of half of the things that go on backstage at Sea World shows. It uses previous interviews from former trainers and one very important interview by john Crowe a man who previously worked for Sea World catching and separating the orcas from their families. Blackfish highlights its perceptive reasoning appeal with an effort to make Sea World suffer a little in order to make them change their …show more content…
Pathos are very important in the argument because that what’s grabs the readers attention and creates that emotional appeal that needed to have an effect on the viewers. You can find example of pathos in Blackfish through the stories that are told, the 911 voice recordings and the foottage of the attacks. Hearing the sad stories of these trainers pulls your heartstrings and allows you to create emotional connection to these people and the whales they encounter. Filmmakers also interviewed the live audience and observed their reaction as they spoke which helps create even a stronger bond between the