French Revolution Dbq

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The French Revolution was a very chaotic time. The third class was very angry they weren't being treated equally. They wanted to be like the first and second class. They decided to rebel and this caused the French Revolution. They rebelled and attacked many places like the Bastille and the Palace of Versailles.Eventually, nobody liked the king of king of France. They were but on trial for treason and lost. Eventually, the king and queen were killed and the monarchy was dead. The king of France during the time was Louis XVI. Her was married to Marie Antoinette, the queen during the time. Some people find that Marie did lots of things that lead to the beginning of the Revolution. Many of these reasons did impact the start of the revolution, …show more content…
One of the main big ones was called The Diamond Necklace Affair. Basically what happened is a jeweler had made a beautiful necklace, but Marie didn't want it. She had tricked Louis XVI into not buying it. The jeweler then told that Marie wants to buy it. A man named Rétaux de Villette forged her handwriting, and made it seem like she wanted to buy it. A man named the Cardinal de Rohan basically brought in the the palace where a footman, disguised as Rétaux de Villette, and gave him the necklace. The money was then asked for, and Marie Antoinette had no clue what was going on at all. “Marie Antoinette's reputation (already hanging tenuously in the balance) was ruined. The scandal confirmed that she was, indeed, "Madame Déficit." Most of the people in France during the time were most likely not happy from what Marie had done, but most people probably don't realize she was framed.”In 1785, an infamous diamond-necklace scandal permanently tarnished the queen's reputation.” The next scandal involved Maire and a man named Hans Axe­l von Fersen. The person was in the French army. This man met with Marie a lot. They had first seen each other in a ballroom. It is said Marie would hang out with him a lot at the Petit Trianon. He was a very frequent guest their. Some people like to question if the kids that Marie had were actually King Louis. Some people think that these kids belonged to Fersen. This then leads into the next topic involving King Louis and Marie's trouble having a baby. When they first got married, they tried to have a baby but couldn't. “Louis didn't like this and thought he lived in a state of anxiety that he would never warm to her and that she'd be sent home to Austria as an utter failure.” Some people who lived in France at the time didn't think he would be a good king because of this situation. The finally got helped and ended up having a baby.

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