The first reason why The Reign of Terror was not justified was because of the barbaric
methods of killing innocent people was to the extreme and should not have went that far. "There is information that was provided about the actions that were taken or what was currently going on in that area of France; Such as the amount of casualties from both sides during Vendée- 80,00 and 500,000 people on both sides ,the revolutionaries destroyed 1600 homes and chopped off 12 heads in five minutes”, (Doc C). This is important because so many people died that did not deserve it, and for really unnecessary reasons that make no sense. Robespierre would literally chop off your head if you went against him. Robespierre was the mastermind of The Reign of Terror and the most powerful man in France. He took the heart of the Revolution, …show more content…
For example, “Robespierre wants to have a democratic society where the people can vote and have a say, but he is willing to kill anyone who stands in his way,“(Doc