Free Speech Should NOT Be Protected By The First Amendment

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No matter how dreadful the circumstances are with any free speech, we must obey by what the law says, it will always be protected by the First Amendment. In this case, the Confederate flag and swastika displayed in public view, does in fact fall under free speech. Even though it disconcerts some of the student body, it cannot be outlawed, but just because it’s a right doesn’t mean that its okay to take it to an offensive level. Bok states “The fact that speech is protected under the First Amendment does not necessarily mean that it is right, proper, or civil” (par. 4). Bok knows how far the students went to make such a disrespectful action to the student body. The First Amendment has struck a balance on where to draw the line for free speech. …show more content…
Bok feels that it doesn’t make any sense on why Harvard; a university with high standards, should just ban free speech. Censorship has a high capability that can be so threating, because it’s very tough to decide whether the free speech is disrespectful or not. It’s difficult to please everyone beliefs upon the situation. Some students believe that the flags should be taken down, while others don’t believe so. Either free speech gets outlawed or not. Bok believes that once they start banning certain types of free speech, that it will cause more of a horrible situation. Rather than prohibiting, it would be best to try to persuade the situation in a reasonable

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