The Overexualization Of Women In Disney's Frozen

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On a random Friday night there is a crowd in front of the movie theatre for the premiere of the newest Avengers. A group of friends streams the latest season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix. Multiple people pick up George R.R. Martin’s new book in the bookstore. It is no secret that the entertainment industry has a heavy influence on American lives. The media has always been the source of controversy regarding its content. However, there is one issue that continues to occur in entertainment: the portrayal of women. The oversexualization of women has been a problem in entertainment for decades. Some of these cases are more obvious than others. The media unfairly portrays women by using oversexualized stereotypes.
In late November of 2013, Disney released Frozen. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale The Snow Queen, this movie tells the story of Elsa and Anna, the princesses of Arrendelle. Elsa has the magical ability to freeze whatever she touches, because of this power she has been forced to become isolated and keep her powers to herself. Elsa and Anna became role models for every young girl in the country.
Elsa’s lack of control over her powers eventually leads to her being expelled from the kingdom. One of the scenes in the movie is when Elsa sings the song Let it Go after she leaves her
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Research shows that is not the case. In 2011, sociologists at the University of Buffalo released a study of the evolution of Rolling Stones magazines, looking at over one thousand images of men and women on covers over the course of forty-three years. The researchers found the portrayal of women in media over the years has been increasingly sexualized, comparing men and women using a scale of sexualization. They found that women were shown as “ready and available for sex” as opposed to being “sexy musicians” (Donovan). In every aspect of media, women have always been more

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