Proof of this can be found in the writings of the “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison. In Federalist Paper #46 Madison talks about the militia which would outnumber the standing army by at least 10 to one being able to oppose the army in defense of their liberty and freedoms. Coincidently, this clearly makes the case for the militia bearing equal armament to the nations standing army, and who is the militia? Simply put, according to United States Code, Title 10 section 311, the militia is comprised of all United States citizens over the age of 17 and who are able to bear arms. Now, on to the National Rifle Association; yes, they are a political lobbying group, however first and foremost, the NRA is a training organization, teaching firearms safety and competent marksmanship ever since its founding in 1871 by two retired Union Army Officers. Additionally, the vast majority of the NRA’s funding comes from the contributions of its members, not firearms manufacturers, however, this is not what the elitist liberals would have you
Proof of this can be found in the writings of the “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison. In Federalist Paper #46 Madison talks about the militia which would outnumber the standing army by at least 10 to one being able to oppose the army in defense of their liberty and freedoms. Coincidently, this clearly makes the case for the militia bearing equal armament to the nations standing army, and who is the militia? Simply put, according to United States Code, Title 10 section 311, the militia is comprised of all United States citizens over the age of 17 and who are able to bear arms. Now, on to the National Rifle Association; yes, they are a political lobbying group, however first and foremost, the NRA is a training organization, teaching firearms safety and competent marksmanship ever since its founding in 1871 by two retired Union Army Officers. Additionally, the vast majority of the NRA’s funding comes from the contributions of its members, not firearms manufacturers, however, this is not what the elitist liberals would have you