Criticisms Of The 4th Amendment

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The Constitution of the United States was signed by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. Many criticisms of the constitution stemmed from the lack of rights provided in the Constitution, creating the first ten amendments of the Constitution, known today as the bill of rights. These ten rights were created September 25, 1789 and ratified on December 15, 1791. They guarantee multiple personal freedoms, limit the government's power in the judicial, legislative, and exectutive branches, and reserve some powers to the states and the public.One of these amendments is the fourth amendment, which regulates many of the steps government investigators take in the course of criminal investigations. Over the course of history, the fourth amendment has adapted and changed based on society’s ever changing views and advances. The 4th amendment has evolved with society from when it was first ratified to the present day by becoming more open to interpretation and adapting to technological advances. With the …show more content…
General warrants gave permission for the king’s agent to enter private property and seize things or people without limiting where the king's agent was allowed to search, what property he was allowed to seize, or who he could arrest. Although there were some preventative actions in early English common law which suggested restrictions on the limits of warrants and the situations in which they could be issued, certain events, specifically political during the eighteenth-century, cause the release of multiple of general warrants to be issued in politically charged cases. This caused a domino effect of very broad searches to civil trespass suits and eventually led to a number of judicial reviews that finished with the enactment of the Fourth

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