He made Forrest gump into a much softer character than in the book. The author of the book wanted to show that a harsh, stupid man was a better guide through the hard times of America, but Zemeckis wanted to reveal that American issues could be seen in a child-like mind, a nicer view (Wilmington 1). This excellent twist on the original take was enough to take this story to the next level. Tom Hanks ability to adapt himself into the role of this dumb man is phenomenal. Changing the tone, speed, and purpose of ones talking is a difficult task, but Hanks strikes again in his role as Forrest Gump. Urschel commented on the irony of, “how a fictional character with a two-digit IQ can make so many smart people sound so dumb” (13A). I was blown away on how a movie that had me crying and laughing could also make me question the bigger things in life. In today’s society, it is hard finding an intellectual stimulating motion picture, but this timeless piece evokes deeper thoughts within the audience’s
He made Forrest gump into a much softer character than in the book. The author of the book wanted to show that a harsh, stupid man was a better guide through the hard times of America, but Zemeckis wanted to reveal that American issues could be seen in a child-like mind, a nicer view (Wilmington 1). This excellent twist on the original take was enough to take this story to the next level. Tom Hanks ability to adapt himself into the role of this dumb man is phenomenal. Changing the tone, speed, and purpose of ones talking is a difficult task, but Hanks strikes again in his role as Forrest Gump. Urschel commented on the irony of, “how a fictional character with a two-digit IQ can make so many smart people sound so dumb” (13A). I was blown away on how a movie that had me crying and laughing could also make me question the bigger things in life. In today’s society, it is hard finding an intellectual stimulating motion picture, but this timeless piece evokes deeper thoughts within the audience’s